DNPA Code of Ethics for Rekha News
The following is a summary of RekhaNews’ policies on gifts, favors, entertainment, payments, conflicts of interest, and other ethical considerations:
Gifts, Favors, and Payments by RekhaNews: RekhaNews associates may offer gifts, favors, or payments at the company’s expense, but only under the following conditions:
- They align with standard business practices.
- They hold limited value and cannot be mistaken for a bribe.
- They comply with applicable laws and ethical standards.
- Public disclosure of these gifts or payments will not harm the company’s reputation.
Payments or compensation to associates of customers, or their families or associates, outside of a written contract, violate RekhaNews’ policy.
Gifts, Favors, Entertainment, and Payments Received by Associates:
- Associates must never accept gifts, favors, entertainment, or payments unless they serve a legitimate business purpose. Personal loans should only be accepted from standard lending institutions at market rates.
- Acceptable items include modest gifts (such as calendars or pens), meals with vendors (occasionally with spouses), tickets to events (with vendor accompaniment), and holiday gifts like cookies or nuts.
- Day outings (e.g., golf, fishing) with vendor attendance are allowed with prior approval.
- Use of vendor facilities for personal use is prohibited, except for limited occasions with vendor presence.
- Management associates should avoid accepting gifts of significant value from those under their supervision.
Conflicts of Interest
Associates must avoid any situation that could create a conflict between their personal interests and those of the company. Potential conflicts, including ownership interests in competitors or business dealings with the company, must be disclosed to management. Situations involving family relationships or outside business roles that could impair objectivity should also be reported.
Confidential Information
Associates are prohibited from disclosing confidential product data, plans, or any sensitive information that could harm the company’s interests. Mishandling or unauthorized access to such information will result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.
Violations of this policy will lead to disciplinary actions, including potential termination. Associates must report any breaches promptly. Vice presidents and officers are responsible for enforcing compliance within their respective areas.
Social Media Guidelines
RekhaNews encourages associates to use good judgment when engaging in social media activities.
- Personal Responsibility: All employees are responsible for the content they post, understanding that their posts may be public for an extended period.
- Speak for Yourself: If posting about the company, clearly state that the views expressed are personal and not those of RekhaNews.
- Respect and Professionalism: Maintain professionalism and avoid offensive content that could harm reputations or contribute to a hostile environment.
- Honesty and Accuracy: Ensure all posts are truthful, and correct mistakes quickly.
- Legal Compliance: Respect copyright, privacy, and confidentiality laws when sharing content.
If any misconduct is observed regarding social media behavior, associates should report it to Human Resources.
Plagiarism Policy
RekhaNews has a strict anti-plagiarism policy. Associates are expected to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity and originality.
Fairness in Reporting
Journalists at RekhaNews must seek a balanced approach, ensuring that those who are subject to negative accusations have the opportunity to respond fully. Both sides of the story should be clearly presented.